Create a URL report for QR codes or barcodes

You can generate a list of URLs for your object records by creating a CSV file and then using a formula in Excel. You can then share these URLs with third-party software to create QR codes or barcodes for your object records.


Your object record URLs contain three parts to identify them:

  1. Your account number.

  2. The object record’s ID number.

  3. The 'slug', which is the human-readable bit on the end of each URL that is pulled from key fields.

Take this URL as an example:

In this URL, we have:

  1. The account number: 3404

  2. The object record ID number: 534993

  3. The slug: crown-lynn-boat-vase

The slug isn’t necessary to find and return the record. It's there to make life easier for people looking at the object page. So you can still access the record without it:

You can therefore generate a list of URLs by creating a CSV report of your object records and then using a formula in Excel to combine the object record ID with the first parts of the URL.

Step 1: Create a CSV report in eHive

  1. Log in to My eHive.

  2. Find the records that you would like to report on.

  3. Select Create Report.

  4. On the Create object record report page, select CSV Reports.

  5. In the Report Title field, enter a report title.

  6. Select Request Report. Depending on the size of your report, it may take a few minutes to generate.

  7. When the report is generated, a notification will appear on Reports in the menu. Select this notification.

  8. On the Report Downloads page, find your report and select Download.

Step 2: Edit the CSV report to create the URLs

  1. Open the downloaded CSV file in Excel.

  2. Column A contains the ID of each object record. Select and delete all other columns.

  3. In a blank column, paste a formula that will combine your eHive account URL with column A (your object record IDs):

    • For public records, paste this formula:

    • For private records, paste this formula:

  4. Edit the formula and change XXXX to your account number.

    • For example, our eHive demo account URL is so we would change XXXX to 3404.

    • Your account number is listed on your eHive Dashboard and is present in every object record’s URL directly after collections (for public records) or accounts (for private records).

  5. In the cell where you pasted the formula, you should now see a full URL for the object record. For example,

  6. Copy and paste the formula into every cell in the column to generate all the URLs.

The URLs can now be shared with your QR code or barcode software.