Set cultural permissions

You can set cultural permission levels for your objects.

Levels of cultural permission

There are five levels of cultural permission:

  • Sacred / Tapu: High-level restrictions.
  • Sensitive / Rahui: Medium-level restrictions.
  • Awareness / Aukati: Low-level restrictions.
  • Open access / Noa: No restrictions.
  • Not assessed: The default setting. No data is stored in eHive.


Set a cultural permission level

  1. Log in to My eHive.
  2. Go to the object record.
  3. Under Cultural permissions, select Update.
  4. Select a permission level.
  5. Add any relevant notes up to 1,000 characters (or leave the notes field blank).
  6. Under Cultural origin, select either Māori or No translation*.
  7. Select Save.

*Let us know if you need the cultural permissions terms translated to another language.

Search tips

  • Enter cultural_permissions_level: sensitive into the search field to find all objects that have a cultural permission of ‘sensitive’.
  • Enter cultural_permissions_notes: photograph* into the search field to find all objects that have notes relating to photography.
  • Enter cultural_origin: maori into the search field to find all objects that have a Māori cultural origin.