
The Measurements field records how long, wide, tall, or deep an object is. In other words, its dimensions (length, width, height, depth, or volume).

Field details

Public field
measurement_description is the field ID
Text field with1,000 character limit
Detail and Public tabs in the object cataloguing page

Cataloguing tips

You should include measurements for display, storage and identification purposes. Use either metric or imperial measurements.

Height always refers to how tall an object is. You can use width or length or to refer to the longer of the remaining two dimensions.

  • If you use width, refer to the final dimension as depth.

  • If you use length, refer to the final dimension as width or depth (they are interchangeable in this context).

Measurements and abbreviations

Measurement Abbreviation
Height h
Length l
Width w
Depth d
Diameter diam
Weight wt

Measuring 2-dimensional (flat) objects

Format Example
h mm x w mm h 295 mm x w 22 mm

Measuring 3-dimensional objects

Orientate objects in their normal position. Measure books on the basis they are standing upright. Measure frames and mounts if they are components of an object.

Format Example
h mm x w mm x d mm h 13 mm x w 35 mm x d 10 mm
h mm x l mm x w mm h 56 mm x l 160 mm x w 14 mm
h mm x l mm x d mm h 56 mm x l 160 mm x d 14 mm

Search tips

You can search on this field with:


For example, enter measurement_description: 120mm into the search field to find objects that measure 120mm.