Creator (or Maker)

The Creator (or Maker) field records who created the object.

Field details

Public field
primary_creator_maker is the field ID
Pick List with 200 character limit
Detail tab in the object cataloguing page (but not for natural science objects)

Cataloguing tips

Choose the primary person or organisation that created the object. This could be the artist, author, manufacturer, or photographer.

If the creator is not in the pick list, add a new term. Be careful to avoid duplication.

Person terms should be in the following format. Enter the last name first to easily sort reports by maker.

Surname, Title, First name, Middle names (if known), Honorifics


  • Thompson, John Priestly

  • Eadie, Reverend John. D.D., L.L.D

Use a company or organisation’s full legal name:

  • Fisher & Paykel Limited

  • The Salvation Army

Add the creator’s iwi if known:

  • O’Regan, Sir Tipene, Ngāi Tahu

If the maker of the object is unknown, enter Unknown maker.

Objects can have more than one creator. For example, a designer and a manufacturer. Enter this information in the Other maker and Other maker role fields.

This field does not apply to natural science records.

Search tips

You can search on this field with:





For example, enter creator: "Alex Miller" into the search field to find all objects made by Alex Miller.

Related fields

Creator role (or Maker role)