Advanced search

When you search in eHive, it looks through the entire object record to find a match. This may be a single word (book) or a phrase ("Diego Torres"). But this will look in every single field, sometimes including objects you don't want.

Using advanced search

You can search in a specific field or with different combinations of fields with Advanced Search.

  1. Click on the Search menu.

  2. Click on Advanced search.

  3. Choose the field you want to search in from the dropdown.
    If you want to search through all of the information in a record, choose the All fields option.

  4. Type in what you would like to search for, or use Term pick list to choose from your terms.

  5. You can add another field to your search by clicking Add another field and then choosing your field. Clicking Remove will take that field out of your search.

  6. When you have another field in your search you can choose how to search with these fields.

    • And finds objects that have what you are looking for in both fields. For example, objects that have Diego Torres as the cataloguer and were catalogued in 2019.

    • Or finds objects that have either of your field searches. For example, objects that either have Diego Torres as the cataloguer or were catalogued in 2019.

    • Not finds objects that don't have that specific field search. For example, objects that have Diego Torres as the cataloguer but were not catalogued in 2019.

  7. Click on Additional search filters to narrow your search further. Tick on the filters you want to use (for example, images attached or public records only.

  8. Click on Search to get your results.

Tip: Search tips has tips for searching spelling mistakes, plurals, similar words, different styles of cataloguing, or missing information.